For this one, the customer asked for a rage twitch emote.
Since it was a girl, I tried to not change too much her face :p But she asked for some changes and I made an hybrid between her cartoon version and a trollface. The result is quite fun đ
For this one, the customer asked for a rage twitch emote.
Since it was a girl, I tried to not change too much her face :p But she asked for some changes and I made an hybrid between her cartoon version and a trollface. The result is quite fun đ
Hallo! Ich möchte fragen ob dieses Emote fĂŒr einen Twitch Streamer nutzbar wĂ€hre.
DafĂŒr, frage ich Sie.
Was kostet das?
Kann man sich irgendwie unterhalten? Ich danke!
Yes they are for Twitch streamer (but sorry I only speak french or english)
the prices and the orders are here: