Twitch emotes, Youtube emojis, Mixer stickers, partner badges, cheer badges… everything is here
[:en]The step by step video of my first semi realistic digital painting :p [:fr]La vidéo pas à pas en accéléré de ce premier essai de dessin semi réaliste…
[:en]Emotes, stickers & badges for twitch youtube & mixer[:fr]Emotes, stickers et badges pour twitch youtube et mixer[:]
by DamDSNby DamDSNTwitch emotes, Youtube emojis, Mixer stickers, partner badges, cheer badges… everything is here
[:en]ninjaXgotaga – limited edition Dab twitch emote for the Gotaga and ninja event[:fr]ninjaXgotaga Fortnite – limited edition Dab twitch emote for the Gotaga and ninja event[:]
by DamDSNby DamDSN[:en]The ninjaxgotaga event just took place this thursday March 7th with Gotaga and Ninja for a special Fortnit stream on twitch. For this event, a new emote have been made…